
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Julius Caesar-Persuasion

Marc Antony v. Marcus Brutus Persuasion is the act of convincing someone to believe or do something. Persuasion has three elements Ethos, Pathos and boy. Ethos appeals to the values of a person or culture. Pathos is directed toward the auditory senses emotions. discussion uses the powers of reasoning to incline. In the play Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare shows persuasion by the powerful dictiones given by Marc Antony and Marcus Brutus. Although Brutus gives a compelling speech, Antonys speech is much effective and is able to win everyplace the mob. Even though they are both speaking to the analogous audience, Antony is able to gain their trust because he uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos more than Brutus was able to. Marc Antonys intemperate use of Ethos, Pathos and Logos helped him to sway the bear on more effectively than Brutus. In rip off III Scene II of Julius Caesar Brutus primarily targets his speech towards the audiences Ethos. He does so by being straightf orward with the crowd tip defending his ethical foundation. He goes on by explaining why he killed Caesar. Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die every(prenominal) slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to support all freemen? (Act III Sc.
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II 22-25) By maxim this he describes Caesar as being ambitious and explaining how if he had became ruler, they would no longstanding be free citizens. Brutus speech was able to persuade the audience into believing that Caesars death was for the good of Rome. Antony has to contract his speech to the crowd who is f ully in support of Brutus. He smartly begin! s by stating Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to wipe bug out Caesar, not praise him. (Act III Sc. II 75-76) He does this because the crowd believes Caesar to be a tyrant and Antony has to ease his way into his speech. He focuses mostly on Pathos and Logos by providing sozzled emotional and logical evidence. Shakespeare also uses repetition in which he has Antony continuously...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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